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Article 36 Paid Holidays

​Master Agreement Between the Government of the Province of Alberta and the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees​​


​Employees are entitled to one day's paid leave for each of the following holidays: ​


​New Year's Day

Family Day

Good Friday

Easter Monday

Victoria Day

Canada Day

Civic Holiday (1 Day)

Labour Day

Thanksgiving Day

Remembrance Day

Christmas Day

Boxing Day

Christmas Floater​


​Employees employed in continuous operations shall be compensated pursuant to Clause 36.06 for working on the following Paid Holidays on the dates listed:

​New Year's Day

Canada Day

Remembrance Day

Christmas Day

Boxing Day

​- January 1

- July 1

- November 11

- December 25

- December 26

​All other Paid Holidays shall be observed on the day designated by the Employer.


​If a municipality does not proclaim a Civic Holiday as specified in Clause 36.01, the first Monday in August shall be observed as such holiday.


​When a day designated as a holiday under Clause 36.01 falls during an Employee's work week and an Employee is not required to work, the Employee shall be granted holiday leave on that day.


​When a day designated as a holiday under Clause 36.01 falls on an Employee's regularly scheduled day of rest, and the Employee is not required to work, the Employee shall be granted holiday leave on the day observed as the holiday and the day of rest shall be rescheduled.


​Notwithstanding Clauses 36.03 and 36.04, an Employee employed in a continuous operation whose regular day off falls on an observed holiday shall receive another day off in lieu at the Employee’s regular rate.


​When an Employee works on one of the holidays listed in Clause 36.01, the Employee shall receive either:


​the Employee’s regular salary plus time and one-half for all hours worked up to the equivalent of full normal daily hours and double time for additional hours worked thereafter; or


​in lieu of the Employee’s regular salary, time and one-half for all hours worked up to the equivalent of full normal daily hours and double time for additional hours worked thereafter; plus a day off in lieu with pay.


​When a day off in lieu is granted under Sub-Clause 36.06(b) Employees not employed in continuous operations shall have the day off scheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the Employee and Employer within the next three (3) months or paid out in cash at the expiration of the three (3) months.


​Except as provided in Clause 36.10, Employees employed in continuous operations shall have the opportunity to elect to have the alternate day off scheduled in conjunction with their regularly scheduled days of rest, or, subject to Clause 36.09, to take these days in conjunction with their next annual vacation and administered in accordance with Clause 37.07. Once scheduled, the alternate days off shall not be rescheduled except by mutual agreement of the Employee and the Employing Department.


​Where an Employee employed in continuous operations exercises an election under Clause 36.08, the Employee shall advise the Employer of the Employee’s choice of election for the following year, not later than December 31st, except that a new Employee shall make this election prior to the first holiday for which the Employee is eligible.


​Clauses 36.08 and 36.09 shall not apply to Employees in continuous operations where the alternate days off are included in the Employee's shift schedule.


​When an Employee is called back to work on a paid holiday, the Employee shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 and Clause 36.06 does not apply.


​Authorized travel on government business on a paid holiday shall be compensated at straight time pay or equivalent time off.

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